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(Experience with Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects, Berkeley CA | Client: City of Berkeley)

MWDL DESIGN TEAM: Kent Royle, Ketki Shah, Shalmali Wagle

ROLE: Plans & Graphics in AutoCAD, Adobe Creative Suite | Architect-Client Meetings | Exhibits for City & Public Presentation |

As a part of the effort by the Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) to expand water transit development and alternative transportation, this project involves the conceptual design of new water-side and land-side improvements at the aging and decrepit, but beloved, Berkeley Pier, which served as a recreational pier for over 75 years but had to be closed for safety reasons in 2015. The Berkeley Ferry Terminal is not only an important transportation mode in the San Francisco Bay area, but also a future architectural icon with regional symbolic importance. The project exploits an opportunity to architecturally celebrate panoramic City and Bay views, in addition to extensive community interaction and outreach to accommodate a wide range of site uses, including recreational fishing, windsurfing, boating, walking, and educational components. The ferry terminal design is envisioned to be highly sustainable, utilizing natural ventilation, zero energy consumption, and maximizing view opportunities. These features are to be combined with stringent engineering requirements, the challenges of building in water, and adaptability to sea-level rise, as well as practical concerns such as the cost of dredging the channel. 

In 2020, many different pier designs were explored, with various breakwater designs, dredging areas, and use cases up for debate. Extended community outreach led the project to continue to evolve. Currently, the City is evaluating several different designs with different breakwater designs, and even multiple construction locations, with the final preferred design yet to be determined.


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